Local 9554 | United Steel Workers | F.T.Q.

Pre-Board Screening Officer's Union

Modified : 12:40:17, 06-05-2014
Publication Date : 08:21:44, 05-05-2014

Schedules BID Stopped until further notices

Due to a last minute change, we must stop the schedules "Bid", more details will be provided shortly...

Last Update 2 :

All those who were scheduled for today will be asked to choose tomorrow, so bidding times are postponed for a day and for everyone.


We are reaching each of certified PBS only agents, to offer them the schedules at SP5, because, before last friday, the SP5 was EDX Only, and this change was made Friday morning and he had to make sure to provide the same chances to everyone.

Categories :News, Committees, Schedules,