Local 9554 | United Steel Workers | F.T.Q.

Pre-Board Screening Officer's Union

Modified : 10:39:12, 21-10-2014
Publication Date : 10:39:12, 21-10-2014

2014 Winter's Bid - EDX and/or CTX certified agents precision


All certified EDX and/or CTX agents, in the event that they do not choose a schedule requiring EDX and/or CTX agents, will have to choose a day in their schedule to work in the HBS room to maintain their certifications and EDX and/or CTX (16 hours per month per certification).

Because, previously, officers were transfered, at the begining of their shifts, to work their day at the HBS room, so it was agreed,in order to reduce as much as possible these transferts, that from now on, agents will choose themselves their workday at HBS room.

The union believes that this initiative is a just and fair way to be able to comply with these regulations, 16 hours per month per certifications.

Categories :News, Committees, Schedules,