Local 9554 | United Steel Workers | F.T.Q.

Pre-Board Screening Officer's Union

Modified : 18:01:00, 29-10-2016
Publication Date : 12:59:06, 29-10-2016




For the winter 2017 schedule bid, we will not have access to the program iBid as was the case in previous schedule bids. However, thanks to the initiative of one of your colleague Max Morissette we will be using a similar system that will allow you to see which schedules are still available as the bid progresses.

To access the document that will change with time, use the link below:!At2IMbmjZdDuh3CTp0LzS4UWQu3R

Please note that this document is a tool designed to help you make your choice of schedule, it is not the official version of the schedule. In the event of a dispute regarding the selection of a schedule, the paper version posted in the conference room will be the official version and used to settle the dispute.

We advise you to present yourself in person to the bid.

If ever you plan on using the the link mentioned above, we recommend that you try it in advance to be sure you have properly noted the link and are comfortable with the use of the document before it is time for you to select a schedule..
Do not hesitate to communicate with us if you have any questions or comments.

Thank you

Categories :News, Schedules,