Local 9554 | United Steel Workers | F.T.Q.

Pre-Board Screening Officer's Union

Modified : 18:39:27, 29-12-2016
Publication Date : 13:36:40, 29-12-2016

Rebid schedules NPS V


Posting – NPS-V Schedule

Hi everyone, Following the opening of the NPS-V station Foxtrot from January 10th 2017, we have to proceed with a new posting for the schedules, which means we have to do another BID. Indeed, the opening of this new station Foxtrot caused the creation of new lines, which also gave us the opportunity to upgrade the whole NPS-V schedules.

The new BID will take place on January 5th and 6th 2017, for an official go live on January 13th 2017. This BID only concerns NPS-V. * All the agents holding an NPS-V certification and who are not affected to a CTX schedule (9000, 5800, 9800 and EDX), will be contacted for this new BID. * Please note we have created mixed lines for the new NPS-V schedules. When the number of lines for a given gender (man or woman) will be equal to the number of agents remaining to choose their schedule for the same gender (man or woman), these agents won’t be able to select a mixed line.

Procedure :

The BID will take place in the conference room at the booking department (local T.3.955) on the second floor (telephone: 514.636.9517). Each agent will have on his turn, four (4) minutes to pick a schedule. Beyond this delay, we will go on to the next agent in the seniority list. In order to take note of your turn to pick a schedule, please refer to the available document for that purpose.

This schedule will be effective until the next BID in spring 2017, unless stated otherwise.


Message from Management STAS

Categories :News, Schedules, Social Club,