Local 9554 | United Steel Workers | F.T.Q.

Pre-Board Screening Officer's Union

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Modified : 01:12:58, 03-08-2018
Publication Date : 20:12:58, 02-08-2018

results Election


•••••Résultats  Élection•••••••• 


Congratulations  to all the new elected officials!!


208 votes 




-Peter Serfas


•Vice Président :


-Jean Francois Coupal


•Secrétaire Archiviste:


-Michael Brassard


•Secrétaire Trésorier:


-Alex Piques


•Secrétaire financier:


-Josée Sevigny 


•Syndics: (3)


-Steve De Tennancourt

-Danielle Smith

-Sylvie Juteau 


•Garde: (2 )


-Eric Tellier

-Franco Bruno




-Martin Levesque 


•Comité d’arbitrage: (2)


-Martin Levesque 

-René Fortier

Categories :News,

Modified : 21:10:18, 20-07-2018
Publication Date : 19:20:37, 06-07-2018

Élection voting days





Luc Lafontaine 

Peter Serfas

Domingo Brillante 

Paolo d’Angelo

Mariana Vassilliou


Vice President :

Jean-Francois Coupal

Gerardo Di Ionno


Trustees: (3)

 Yosri Jebali

Sorina Botescu

Steve De Tennancourt

Danielle Smith

Sylvie Juteau


Garde: (2 )

 Eric Tellier

Andrew Galley

Franco Bruno



Martin Levesque 

Michel Jean

Iossif Fuss


Arbitration committee : (2)

 Martin Levesque

Eric Tellier

Daniel Smith

Rene Fortier

Marie Claude Benoit 

Domingo Brillante 



Categories :News,

Modified : 03:37:28, 05-07-2018
Publication Date : 22:37:28, 04-07-2018


Categories :News,

Modified : 03:30:50, 05-07-2018
Publication Date : 19:50:25, 04-07-2018

Memo General assembly July 4, 2018


General assembly July 4, 2018


Dear members, 

 following today's assembly, members voted in favor of the Election Committee Report in a proportion of 71%. 

 The members voted in favor of the proposed election committee in a proportion of 87%.

 There will be a new election and the votes will be held on July 24, 2018and August 1, 2018. For the members who will be in Nordic assignment or on holidays during these two (2) dates you can ask to have access to a vote by correspondence by asking in writing (signed) the possibility of having access to a vote by correspondence. This request must be submitted to the election president (Rosanne Poulin392 Dorval Ave, Suite # 221, Dorval, Qc H9S 3H7, 7 days before July 24July 17, 2018. In addition, your request must specify the reason for your request. The written request submitted to the Election Committee will then consider whether your demand meets the established criteria or not.

 We are asking all nominees, who have accepted their nominations and would like to decline their candidacy now, to quickly contact the tellers so that they can prepare the ballots.


We thank all members who have traveled to participate in the General Assembly

Categories :News,

Modified : 22:27:25, 03-07-2018
Publication Date : 17:27:25, 03-07-2018

Extreme heat NPS V


Categories :News,

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