Local 9554 | United Steel Workers | F.T.Q.

Pre-Board Screening Officer's Union

Parent Categories

Executive, Committees, Local 1976, Documentation, STAS, Schedules, Important, Negociation, Health & Safety, Union Stewards, Social Club, Rumours Terminator, Grievance, Communication, T.S.A., Finances, Videos, Funny, Medias, Music, Newspapers, Forms, Finances, Surveys, Contact Us, Tools, i-Bid, Collective Agreements, Status of Women,

Modified : 08:59:46, 09-09-2014
Publication Date : 08:59:46, 09-09-2014



Categories :News, Committees, Negociation,

Modified : 00:07:33, 05-09-2014
Publication Date : 23:43:43, 30-08-2014



Please note that due to the demands and complaints of certain members, the
executive committee decided to restart the selection process for the negotiating

• Nominations will be held on September 4th , from 10:00am to 18:00 at the union office in the locker room TB;

• To be nominated, a candidate must be nominated by a member and must then accept the appointment in writing. It will be possible to nominate a member via email as well, sending the nomination and acceptance of appointment to;

• The names of all nominees who have accepted their appointment will be shown at 20:00 on September 4th;

• Voting will be held Thursday, September 11th from 9:00 to 17:00 in the locker room next to the office of STAS;

• If there are more than 15 candidates, a second day of voting will take place on September 12th at the same place and same times, among the 10 candidates who received the most votes in the first day;

• Votes by anticipation must be sent to

Executive Committee
August 29, 2014

Categories :News, Committees, Negociation,

Modified : 22:59:20, 28-08-2014
Publication Date : 22:59:20, 28-08-2014



Considering that the last bargaining sessions took place over a period of over 18 months, the parties wish that the next rounds of bargaining for the renewal of the collective agreement are conducted quickly and smoothly.

In this context, STAS contacted the Union to begin negotiations before the date specified in the collective agreement.

We wish to remind you that it is essential that you complete the document given to you to allow the bargaining committee to work on your requests. We invite you to return your survey completed as soon as possible, by fax at (514) 526-0537, or via email at: or or directly to one of your unit-lodge 911 union representatives.

Thank you for your cooperation,

In solidarity

Unit-lodge 911 and
Local 1976

Categories :News, Committees, Surveys, Communication, Negociation,

Modified : 13:21:54, 28-08-2014
Publication Date : 13:18:19, 28-08-2014

Vacant schedules


Categories :News, STAS,

Modified : 13:21:10, 28-08-2014
Publication Date : 13:21:10, 28-08-2014

Results - Posting of vacant schedule July 14th to 20th 2014


Categories :News, STAS,

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