Local 9554 | United Steel Workers | F.T.Q.

Pre-Board Screening Officer's Union

Publication Date: 11:11:22, 18-08-2012

August 18, 2012 Letter to the members of Loge 9-11

August 18, 2012


Letter to the members Loge 9-11:

I would like to inform our members that the problem with housekeeping and maintenance has been un-resolved since we started with our employer. It has been 9 months and counting since we had our first meeting with STAS in relation to Occupational Health and Safety. This topic was first mentioned by Mr. Luis Manuel at the first meeting on December 16, 2011. Subsequently it was followed-up by Mr. Daba, and the rest of the employee-members of the committee. The situation hasn't change and STAS' position hasn't change as well. I've been actively pursuing this topic since June 2012. I've been called up to the office because of my initiative by Ms. Leger the co-chair (co-president/employer of the committee) and STAS HR Senior specialist. Mr. Mandamadiotis was present during that verbal discussion. Part of our conversation with Ms. Leger was and I quote myself in informing her that "The situation of Housekeeping and maintenance is abnormal because of months of neglect." She admitted that it is and informed us that "her hands are tied." However, Ms Leger did make an effort to inform the SSM to follow-up on this problem with Mr. Marc Vachon of CATSA.

I know that certain agents had taken the initiative to clean parts of our work-place. I recognize your efforts and applaud you and because of that I indirectly suggested to the employer that perhaps an added compensation would patch the problem for the time being. My suggestions and initiatives were rejected.

We are now past the middle of August and the week before I approach Mr. Vachon about this problem, because the employer told me it's CATSA's responsibility. I approached Mr. Vachon on my way to Checkpoint B and mentioned the situation. He told me and I quote him "There is no problem and the checkpoints are clean." I informed him it's because of the initiatives of certain agents that some areas of the checkpoint seemed clean. When I said that he told me to go speak to the employer it's their problem.

Everything I did was documented, because we need transparency and accountability. I made a tremendous amount of effort to try to resolve this situation with our employer. It is because of this that I brought attention to myself that made me a target and a constant irritation to the employer. Despite the negative responses that I received, I maintained my professionalism, courtesy and respect for those I dealt with throughout this affair. I've now made a decision to close this topic and submit it to a higher authority. Under the Canada Labour Code Part II (Article 127.1) and Canada Occupational Health and Safety Regulation, I've done my part and now it will be on the hands of those whose job is to investigate it.

After this is said and done, I would urge everyone to continue and submit their complaints in writing like Mr. J.F. Coupal and the team at Transborder did yesterday. Verbal complaints are acceptable but having written complaints is much better for transparency and documentation. The road ahead is a treacherous one for us but our strength is to be united. Do not forget that at the end of the day, we are the ones who get the job done.




Domingo Amarillo-Brillantes
Recording Secretary and OHS Delegate for Loge 9-11

Author : Domingo Amarillo Brillantes
Categories :Health & Safety,