Local 9554 | United Steel Workers | F.T.Q.

Pre-Board Screening Officer's Union

Modified : 19:55:03, 10-05-2017
Publication Date : 01:00:31, 06-05-2017

Resolutions and update on conference in Las Vegas Nevada USW


Resume of The 2017 CONSTITUTINAL CONVENTION in Las Vegas NV.

April 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 - 2017

 I would like to begin by thanking the members, for the confidence and the opportunity that, has given us the chance to live this unique and enriching experience. The constitutional convention of the United Steelworkers union occurs every 3 years. It was the first time that your new local # 9554 was represented at this event. This was done by Jean Francois Coupal (your localpresident ) and Eric Tellier (executive guard and local delegate).

The main purpose of this congress is to hear outproposals, suggestions and resolutions made to the international council by members, locals, districts or the council itself. In order to discuss, debate and finally vote to accept or reject them. There was also an impressive line-up of special guests speakers such as;

• The Reverend Dr. William Barber II

• American Democratic Senator Catherine Cortez Masto

• The president and secretary general of Los Mineros, Napoleon Gomez

 Thomas Mulcair, leader of the New Democratic Party of Canada

Amongst others.

  There was also a large number of workshops available to all. Such as; Leadership, organization, health and safety at work, the new generation, etc. Not to mention the fundraising for different non-profit organization such as the humanitarian fund. This was done by donations or 50  50 lottery or even products sold withthe union trademark,  for example. Finally there were some social events organized for congress members such as performances by .38 special and the Blues Brothers to name only a few.

  Your delegates (Jean Francois and Eric) accompanied by the Michel Courcis your local’s permanent . Were on hand & striving to represent your interests and values during the 4 days of this congress and also brought back documentation that summarizes the daily activities of the congress as well as copies of the resolutions debated during the four days of the event. These are available at the union office, as well as on our website; AC.SO foranyone who would like to review them. Your delegates are always available to answer your questions.

Categories :News, Documentation,