Local 9554 | United Steel Workers | F.T.Q.

Pre-Board Screening Officer's Union

Modified : 18:52:07, 11-09-2020
Publication Date : 18:52:07, 11-09-2020

Social Club Draw

                        ××××SOCIAL CLUB×××××

Please be advised that we will proceed with the Social Club draw on Friday the 18th of September at around 3pm. There is over 6000$ in prizes to be won.

The draw will be live streamed on Facebook on the YUL EMPLOYEES page. After the draw every winner will be posted online and contacted. Every SO, SCC and SCT is eligible to win and all members are already in the draw including employees laid off earlier this year.

Due to The xmas party being cancelled because of Covid this year. The money that was earmaked for the xmas party in the budget will be given back to the membership through a draw. Its clearly the easiest and fairest way to proceed under the present circumstances.

The surplus money (social club) at the end of the fiscal year will be carried over to the next year like every year.

Prizes include: tablets, apple airpods, gift certificates, google home devices and many other great prizes

Good luck to all!!

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