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Documentation, STAS, Collective Agreements, News, Schedules, Local 1976, Committees, Communication, Executive,
Documentation, STAS, Collective Agreements, News, Schedules, Local 1976, Committees, Communication, Executive,
Modified : 20:01:59, 04-02-2025
Publication Date : 06:10:58, 26-09-2023
Categories :News, Documentation, Important,
Modified : 21:55:32, 04-04-2017
Publication Date : 16:54:12, 04-04-2017
Dear Member:
The Trust Fund and Pension Plan were first established on May 1, 1993. The purpose of the Trust Fund and Pension Plan is to provide pension benefits for eligible employees of participating employers. The Trust Fund is managed by the Board of Trustees consisting of four (4) representatives appointed by the United Steelworkers TC Local 1976 (the “Union”). The duties, responsibilities, and authority of the Trustees are set forth in the Declaration of Trust which established the Fund.
This agreement and other Plan documents are available for your inspection at the office of the Administrator of the Plan. This booklet describes the pension benefits that are available to you and your spouse under the Pension Plan. The benefits are of great importance to you. Therefore, we urge you to read this booklet carefully and thoroughly
Categories :News, Documentation, Important,
Modified : 16:23:18, 12-01-2017
Publication Date : 13:58:28, 16-08-2013
Modified : 16:21:08, 12-01-2017
Publication Date : 13:36:08, 16-08-2013
Modified : 12:25:10, 05-04-2015
Publication Date : 09:29:10, 27-03-2015
It is the responsibility of the Local Union Executive to organize the work of the union in the workplace and in the community. From contract negotiations with management to sponsoring social events, it is members of the local executive and committees who ensure that the needs of its members are met. The following are brief "job descriptions" for each of the positions on the local executive.
President: The President of the local union chairs the meetings, works with executive members to appoint committees and performs other duties as assigned by the local union. These other duties, in addition to acting on behalf of the local when dealing with management on issues of personnel or production, may include representing the local union at community events, meeting with other local unions and attending conferences or workshops that may be of interest to the members.
Vice-President: Working with the President, the Vice President may help to co-ordinate and plan the work of the local union. The Vice President may also sit on committees of the Executive and fill in for the President in his/her absence. If the President cannot complete the term, the Vice President shall act as President until the next election.
Recording Secretary: The "minutes" or proceedings of meetings held are noted in a book by the Recording Secretary. He/she is also responsible for the attendance book and the Local Union's seal. The seal must appear on minutes of meetings, credentials for conferences or other union business to be official. Correspondence is usually handled by the Recording Secretary to be dealt with at each meeting as well as perhaps posted on the bulletin board or communicated through a newsletter. In turn, he/she may reply to correspondence or communicate on behalf of the local to people inside and outside of the union.
Financial Secretary: The Financial Secretary receives monies due to the local and maintains up- to - date books and membership reports as required by the Constitution. Monies received are passed on to the Treasurer. Both the Financial Secretary and the Treasurer will give a written and a verbal report at the membership meetings.
Treasurer: Receiving money due to the local from the Financial Secretary, the Treasurer will deposit all monies in the bank and maintain accurate and up- to- date records. All expences of the local must be approved at a membership meeting and cheques are signed by the President, Financial Secretary and Treasurer, in accordance with the Constitution and Local Union by-laws. In addition to the Financial Secretary's report, the Treasurer will report to the membership meetings on the state of various accounts and investments of the local.
Guide: At meetings of the local, the Guide ensures that people sign the attendance book. It is the responsibility ot the Guide to make sure that those in attendance are members in good standing and thereby entitled to participate.
Guard(s): Guards guard the doors! Only those entitled to attend local meetings (or invited guests) may be permitted attendance. If necessary, guards ensure that no one enters who is not entitled to do so and that order is maintained during the meeting.
Trustees: Trustees help to maintain the local property, meeting hall or office, of the local as directed by the members. Every three months, the trustees audit the financial books as well as the Recording Secretary's books and those perhaps held by other committees of the local. The Trustees will then prepare a report for the next membership meeting noting recommendations and comments on the state of the records and books.
Grievance Committee Members Depending on the size of the Local Union and negotiated provisions for handling grievances in the Collective Agreement, the Local Union will elect a number of people to the Grievance Committee at the same time as they are electing Local Union Officers. A person running for a position as a Local Union Officer may also run for a position on the Grievance Committee or any other Local Union Committee that is filled by election.
In locals that have stewards some are elected but most positions are filled by appointment. Stewards work with grievers and the membership to file grievances with the Company enforcing the Collective Bargaining Agreement. Once a grievance is filed, it becomes the property of the Union and the responsibility of the Grievance Committee who represents workers in grievances and in some cases arbitration cases. Grievance Committee members must be trained in preparing cases, pulling together all the evidence and interviewing those involved so they can present the Union’s position in various steps of the grievance procedure.
Categories :News, Committees, Documentation, Executive, Important,