Local 9554 | United Steel Workers | F.T.Q.

Pre-Board Screening Officer's Union

Parent Categories

Executive, Committees, Local 1976, Documentation, STAS, Schedules, Important, Negociation, Health & Safety, Union Stewards, Social Club, Rumours Terminator, Grievance, Communication, T.S.A., Finances, Videos, Funny, Medias, Music, Newspapers, Forms, Finances, Surveys, Contact Us, Tools, i-Bid, Collective Agreements, Status of Women,

Modified : 13:01:01, 20-07-2016
Publication Date : 08:01:01, 20-07-2016

**Vacant Schedules**




This is to announce that we have vacant full time schedules available. All schedules that will be left vacant after this posting will be offered to part-time employees wishing to change their status. Note the following restrictions: Interested agents with NPS -V and/or HBS certification can only choose a schedule with these certifications.

*The new schedule will come into effect on July 29 th , 2016. You will find attached the schedules.

Categories :News,

Modified : 15:51:06, 15-07-2016
Publication Date : 10:51:06, 15-07-2016

***Union News***

-Our Local, Union Local 9554 of the United Steelworkers, is nearing completion. The long process to autonmy will be completed in the coming weeks when STAS and USW finalizes financial transfers towards new bank accounts set out for us.

-The Local is working on information booklets for all members. The booklets will contain all the information pertaining to the union, insurance, pension and frequentluy asked questions. The booklet, once produced, will be distributed to all members, and given to all new employees.

-New trainning has been booked for current/new union delegates as well as for our Health and Safety reps.

-The union will be holding town hall meetings in the near future (date to be announced) concerning the pension plan. The process will be in sort that all the members who decide to attend will get to voice their priorities and opinions in regards to the collective pension plan.

-We have many arbitrations in the months to come. The next arbitration date is on the 5th of September 2016 in which the Securitas assiduity policy will be heard by an arbitrator and a decision will be redered in the following weeks . Our permanent has been hard at work with Jean-Francois Coupal to ensure we secure arbritration dates ASAP in order for us to have closure on the pending labour issues with Stas. The next arbitration hearings are on a variety of issues ranging from termination, suspensions and more...

-When the last budget was presented to members, a special part of it was dedicated to the CATSA Fund. The purpose of this fund was to start contesting CATSA decisions we deemed unfit or unfair, decisions such as decertification and infiltrations. In Ottawa, there is a CATSA oversight board where we can contest decisions we disagree with and have lawyers plead our case against representatives of CATSA. In fact, every government agency have oversight committees where citizens can contest any government decision affecting them.

Local 1976 and Local 8922 (the previous locals we were part of) have never done so in the past because under the Labour Code, the union only has a duty of representation towards it's member's employer and because it's very expensive. Having established our own Local, working only for Pre-Board Screeners, Local 9554 wishes to defend it's members the the maximum of our ability and not the minimal obligation set under the Code. This alone was one of the main argument in favor of an autonomous screener local

Categories :News,

Modified : 22:26:23, 05-07-2016
Publication Date : 17:26:23, 05-07-2016

Available schedules


Categories :News,

Modified : 22:55:19, 08-06-2016
Publication Date : 17:37:53, 08-06-2016

Job posting communication


Categories :News,

Modified : 18:07:12, 21-05-2016
Publication Date : 13:05:23, 21-05-2016

Social Club Memo


Categories :News, Social Club,

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